Transformational Training and Capacity Building

Aim: To facilitate learning, knowledge acquisition and empowerment of participants in given subjects through the application of identified adult learning methods.

Focal Audiences: Organizations and Corporations: Junior to senior management

Character/Type: Open and bespoke

Methods and Tools: Workshop-style, Kolb’s learning cycle;  pre-training needs assessment and analysis, material development,  training sessions using creative and contextualized adult learning methods such as experiential feedback, fishbowl conversation, group problem resolution, visual aids,  energizers, post training evaluation through survey monkey, and post training coaching and mentoring, the latter two, where applicable.

Training Programs with Humanitarian Organizations:

Area 1: Climate change (disaster risk reduction)

Area 2: Organizational development and project management within and without the Humanitarian Context (Project Cycle, Needs Assessment, Staff Welfare, Proposal and Report Writing)

Area 3: Leadership, governance and  management

Area 4: Conflict management

Training Programs with Companies:

  • Leadership and management
  • Corporate governance