Aim: Effective problem solution, project and organizational development. Research starts with answering the question, “Why research?
Character/ Type: Qualitative research (identified by my office or bespoke)
Methods: Desk research (review of secondary data); use of primary data, where application
Focal Audiences: Non governmental Organizations, Foreign Relations Think Tanks, Universities
Standards: As per research ethical requirements, e.g. coding, respondents’ consent, etc.
Duration: Not exceeding 90 days.
Region: East Africa and Horn of Africa
Areas of Focus: Emerging areas in international regional conflict management, climate change, governance, leadership, migration, child protection, gender development, and human rights.
Costs: Negotiable as per existing market rates

Project Desk Reviews
Aim: To evaluate existing projects with the aim of providing an understanding and analysis of the project status in terms of developmental patterns, achievements, gaps and further development areas.
Focal Audiences: Non governmental Organizations, Foreign Relations Think Tanks, Universities
Character/Type: Qualitative and Organizational based
Methods: Use of existing project baseline surveys, needs assessments, organizational strategic plans, existing community and national secondary data/information, including primary data through focus groups discussions, semi-structured interviews or key informant interviews (through snowballing research technique)
Areas: Migration, child protection, humanitarian assistance, gender development, climate change ( disaster risk reduction)
Duration: Not exceeding 60 days ( if field work is required)
Standard: As per contractual terms
Cost: Negotiable as per existing market rates