Caroline endeavors to provide professional bespoke/client based services within East and Horn of Africa, and Southern Africa, using in-house or/and associate consultants, the latter two where applicable. The Methodology applied for the following services include face to face interaction and/or online.

Caroline’s work was birthed after a careful analysis of the developmental gaps and realities faced by organizations, institutions, communities, and businesses in the African continent. Prevailing information continues to indicate the need for researched information and programs geared towards problem solutions in the areas of development gaps, governance, conflict management and resolution, organizational and program development. Success of these areas is progressive with residual effects for the next generation of actors.

In response to these gaps, and as an independent consultant, Caroline works with development actors through the provision of program development, and consultancy; the latter the provision of training, advice and research. She endeavors to meet the needs of organizations and companies aimed at effective development and effective solutions. The realization of these areas is contingent on effective partnership, creativity and research based paradigms. It is her hope to partner with your organization in the accomplishment of your program objectives.

Caroline has worked with organizations such as Care International in Kenya, RedR UK, and World Vision Somalia, at both the program and consultancy level. Caroline has worked in conflict and non-conflict areas around the world including South Sudan, South Africa, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya (capital and Dadaab Refugee camp). She has also lived in the United States of America. She is a highly skilled individual, bringing on board over fifteen years’ experience in humanitarian operations, program development, leadership, and training. Her work experience also includes consultancies in desk research, training, and teaching (at the university level)
Caroline is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Leadership and Governance. She also holds a Master of Arts degree {International Conflict Management} and Bachelor of Arts degree {Sociology}, the latter two from the University of Nairobi. She has also undertaken professional courses in Project Management, Training of Trainers, Organizational Resilience, The Kenya Initial Rapid Assessment Mechanism (KIRA), amongst others.

Operational Strategy: 2020-2022
To facilitate cross border second generation consultancy service in non-conflict states and post conflict societies and for effective institutional development, decision making and policy formulation.